[Brackeys Jame 2021.1 Submission - Theme: Stronger Together]

Welcome to the Dungeon! You must fight your way through rooms full of enemies. You must defeat every enemy to advance. The problem is that enemies can merge together to become harder to defeat. Thankfully, you have friends in the dungeon to help you become stronger. Fight your way through level in this Zelda/GBC-inspired "hack and slash" game. 

BIG apologies for the frame rate. I was dealing with some stuff while making this game and was rushing myself. The code is very un-optimized.

EDIT/NOTE: I wanted there to be a number of options of how you play the game - PC, keyboard right-handed, keyboard left-handed. Thus, each general action has 3 button options (or more). The game has 7 general actions which are listed under "Controls". The keys that correspond to these actions are listed under "Button Options." Sorry if this is confusing.


The buttons defined in this game are the following:

[<>^v]: Move, Menu

[A]: Accept/Interact, Fire Weapon 1

[B]: Jump

[Y]: Fire Weapon 2

[L]: Cycle through weapon 1

[R}: Cycle through weapon 2

[Select]: Pause

Button Options

Each control above is assigned to the following key options

[<>^v]: Arrow Keys/WASD/ Controller (D-Pad, Left Analog Stick)

[A]: Enter/J/Z/ Controller (DualShock Cross, Xbox A, Nintendo B)

[B]: Escape/K/X/ Controller (DualShock Circle, Xbox B, Nintendo A)

[Y}: L/C

[L]: Q/U/ Controller (L/L1/L2)

[R]: E/O/ Controller (R/R1/R2)

[Select]: Space / Controller (Start, DualShock Options, Nintendo +)

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