[Submitted for Mini Jam 88 - The title is in Leetspeak so it doesn't break the rule of "no text."]

You are a young boy who's discovered an ancient book. You think it's a fantasy/DnD book about saving the world from an evil monster. When the monster comes to steal the book from you, it is your job to make your way through his castle and steal back the book to gain the power to defeat the evil monster Kronos and his minions. Can you succeed?

NOTE: If you can't seem to work the main menu, click on the game. It might not be in focus.

How did I apply the theme of RUSH?

Well, I made the game in about half the allotted time due to deciding last minute, and you have to do some quick moves to get through areas. Also, I'd love to see people speedrun this and see how quickly they can beat the levels.


If you wanna try to get through it as fast as possible with as few deaths as possible, take the Metaphysics Studio challenge. My best so far is

4:45.51, only 2 deaths

Can you beat that? (Official Timing : Hit start as soon as you start game, Finish as soon as screen fades from final "boss" level)


Intro Level - Outside Kronos' Castle

Levels 1-1 through 1-3 - Floor 1, aka Pyroid's Domain

Levels 2-1 through 2-3 - Floor 2, aka Helios' Domain

Levels 3-1 through 3-3 - Floor 3, aka Springo's Domain

Final Level - Castle Keep vs Kronos


Z/J/(Xbox A, PS4 Cross, Switch B) - Jump, Double Jump, Accept (Menus)

X/K/(Xbox B, PS4 Circle, Switch A) - Back

Arrow Keys/WASD/D-Pad - Move, Climb, Navigate Menus

Escape/Start Button - Pause Menu

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